Original price was: $499.95.Current price is: $449.95.

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  • Slick Side Upper
  • Segmented top rail Aluminum Hand Guard
  • ULW brushed aluminum shrouded barrel (4.5″ effective length)
  • 2.3  pounds
  • Complete upper ready to attach to your AR15 lower.

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The TRACKER 22rf Upper Receiver was designed specifically for Rimfire Challenge and Steel Challenge competition in mind. And what we came up with is avery light upper that is accurate and reliable. The tell tale sign on rimfire reliability is to pay attention to the shell ejection…..the farther those spent shells fly shows that your recoil spring, ejector and extractor are working perfectly and with the TACCOM TRACKER, you have all of that PLUS accuracy as well. Rest assured that you are buying one of the most accurate, fastest swinging 22rf on the market today.

Our barrel is a 4.5″ 416SS barrel that we press an aluminum shroud over, then permanently pin and weld them together. With a twist rate of 1:16, a good optic and match ammo, you should be seeing some awsome groups at 50yds. We seen 1″ – 5 shot groups with these barrels off a rest.

Our bolt is stainless steel and hard chromed, using a 1022 extractor from power custom. A chisel point firing pin that ensures ignition with each pull of the trigger. Our unquie recoil spring, styled after the AK design allows for the bolt to slide within the receiver, just like its 5.56 bigg brothers. The bolt hits a delrin backer to smooth and quiet down the action. This upper is THE one to get if you are a hunter or a competitor, because with TACCOM you are the leader, not following one.


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